If you are going to lease space in a building, have you verified the following? 1) Does zoning permit your business? 2) Does the overall building still meet building code with your new use, and the uses of other current tenants? 3) will your business fit now, what if you grow? 4) Does your use and occupancy in the proposed space meet building code as is, or will you have to upgrade something like HVAC, lighting, number or location of exits, fire separation upgrades, building sprinklers, fire alarms, door type and hardware......
This is what architects are not only trained to recognize ahead of time, but have the skills to work with you, the landlord, the zoning department, the health department and the building official to find the best, and least expensive, way to get your deal to work.
I do this every day. This week alone....for a Montessori School, A Grocery Store/Banquette Hall, A mall food court restaurant, and a factory.
Churches, Daycare Centers, Schools and Commercial Kitchens are some of the more difficult.
Even simple office spaces can benefit from a thoughtful layout, making every workday a little better and more efficient.
Call me first.....do NOT lease space until you have consulted a lawyer.....and an architectural firm!
Code Study prior to lease signing for a Potential Montessori School here in MN.

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